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  • Ready to make an
    inspired choice?

    Get my FREE guided meditation
    and start your journey.

  • It’s Spring! Use this Season as Your Guide for Inspired Next Steps

    Nature is our teacher. All we have to do to see how to proceed in life is watch what’s happening outside our windows.

    Let’s send up new shoots. Get rid of the old dried up leaves and twigs. Open a fresh eye on the world. Let the still small voice that knows there is something emerging get a bit louder.

    All of us feel a bit dug under sometimes. I know sometimes I feel like there is so much to do I don’t know where to start and so I feel inundated. That’s when I take a fresh look at what is happening in my life, what is happening around me, where I am putting my focus and what I want to do next and why I want to do it.

    We are multifaceted beings, so underlying the tasks we are doing are the thoughts and feelings we have about those tasks.

    • What do the tasks mean to us? 
    • What importance do they hold in our lives? 
    • What are the benefits or the drawbacks? 
    • Are they essential or can they be removed from the list? 

    Sometimes it is good to sort all that out.  Sometimes sorting it out isn’t necessary. That is for you to decide.

    What does matter is taking a moment to breathe.

    Take stock of all that is happening; what you are feeling emotionally and physically; what you are thinking… and see if there is a need for or room for a different point of view or a different course of action.

    Often a change in focus opens up a completely different feeling about what comes next. We may have a new idea that allows the energy (e.g. your thoughts and emotions) to take a different route that helps you see possibility in a new way. Sometimes it means you have a new view on what already exists and sometimes it means you will make a change.  It may be as simple as cleaning out your sock drawer to help you  be and feel more organized.

    The idea is to stop and actually be mindful of what is going on inside and out. It gives you a fresh start.

    I find that any one thing I do that organizes my space or my thoughts helps me move to the next task with a different openness in my breath, openness in my thoughts, and a clarity about the next action.

    It is sometimes a surprise, but when we start re-organizing that which is around us, we begin to start a process within ourselves that opens doors to freshness; we see, hear and smell in the spring.

    Let’s take advantage of this powerful seasonal energy to take a deep breath and proceed with fresh hope and a new view.

    Spring is the ideal time to take the next step to accelerate YOUR next step.

    Choose the inspired life you want to live.

    Mindfulness and Creativity in Healing in Miami

    mindfulnessLast week I had the honor of leading the opening meditation session and two workshops on Mindfulness and Creativity in Healing at the (CCA) Colon Cancer Alliance National Conference in Miami. I say honored because I was surrounded by people who are engaged in the joy of living, who are fighters, and who want to change the world and the survival rate of people with colorectal cancer. So here is where people begin to turn away. One fact I learned is that people don’t really want to hear about this most preventable form of cancer because of where it is in the body!!

    The focus of so many of the survivors of stage 4 and (lower) colon cancer is to increase the rate of screenings for people under the age of 50. There are so many people being misdiagnosed and diagnosed late with colon cancer. All we need is prevention to save thousands of lives. Survivors and their families are working tirelessly to spread the word, implement screenings in areas they do not exist, and find funding for colonoscopies for those that do not have insurance or cannot afford to have them. Their work has saved many lives.

    Find out about your family history, talk with your physician about early screening with or without a family history, and listen to symptoms that seem unusual, no matter what. You know your body best. If you are concerned that something isn’t right, persevere! We all know the prep for a colonoscopy is not a lot of fun, but it could save your life.

    Colon Cancer Alliance (CCA) is an amazing resource and support community. A great book about being your best health advocate is: When Doctors Don’t Listen: How to Avoid Misdiagnoses and Unnecessary Tests by Leana Wen, MD, MSc, George Washington University.

    We had a lot of fun doing some Qigong, being truly present in the moment, participating in guided imagery, and using art materials to express the vitality and emotion within. CCA conference participants, you are a great group!


    We Who Seek


    What is it that we seek?

    Some of us want to know our mission on this planet; some of us simply want to be free of pain.  Some want to recapture the essential joy they have known over time but find illusive in the moment.

    It is hard to understand that complete knowing and flow exist simultaneously to what appears to be the density of everyday life. We find ourselves “up against” something rather than flowing with it. We want to feel whole.

    We look outside ourselves for guidance, clearing, assistance, and knowledge. When we use these helpers as stepping-stones we are walking the path of our soul. When we become dependent on someone else’s word, approval, or sanction it is hard to find the true meaning of the moment or trust the wisdom that is our own.

    Understanding that density is an illusion; allowing ourselves to realize that we have a choice in how our lives and emotions come to fruition; understanding that emotion follows thought, are all key to recapturing the flow of essential energy and attaining the release of old patterns.

    Confusion sometimes arises when we are in touch with the calling of our soul and our soul potential and we find limitation in the physical form. The contrast seems so great between that which is eternally in our makeup and that which is transitory. For a time the transitory has more impact, but our unlimited essence is the truly powerful player.

    Do we need assistance to learn the techniques and have the tools to proceed? Yes. Sometimes it will be mediation tapes; sometimes a teacher of mindfulness or holistic integration; sometimes counseling or therapy; sometimes yoga or art; sometimes the book that pops out at you at the library or bookstore.

    Reach out. Find your way to living a more balanced and joyful life.
