Communication Around The Table
Thanksgiving is coming. People are sharing concerns about how to speak with relatives of different political views or how not to speak with them at all.
Friends wonder how to have a conversation without branching into troublesome territory.
The known or understood has become fragile.
Even conversations with people of like mind can be tricky. Some want to avoid subjects because emotions may run high and may trigger their own emotions that haven’t yet been figured out.
So, what does one do?
Here are a few thoughts:
- Love is love- coming together with family or friends can be framed simply with love. We are together. Let’s find each other in our mutual care
- Holidays can be difficult no matter what, so create an intention of what will work for you this holiday and choose your roadmap.
- For example, setting a goal, a tone, or a desired mood for oneself can help keep difficulties at bay.
- Know when it is time to take a break from festivities or conversations and get out in nature or find a yoga class. Focus on self-care.
- Some families have creative traditions. Doing something together is often the best remedy. If not a tradition, an outing, or cooking or baking together.
When it comes to those potentially difficult conversations take a breath, step back (inside yourself), and decide who you are and how you want to show up.
- That may mean saying, “I’m taking the day off from complicated (you choose your phrase) concerns and focusing on relaxing together.” Then, possibly suggest an activity or a new topic.
- You may choose to embark on the conversational journey and agree to disagree.
- You may choose to embark, and if emotions start to rise even when in agreement, you may comment on a method you’ve found that helps you feel better or more neutral.For example, “I don’t know about you, but I have found that when I get really upset, I just end up feeling worse.” “I’ve been trying to catch myself and take a breath, feel my feet on the ground, and remember I’m OK in this moment, and it helps me feel better.”
Whatever you choose I wish you a lovely Thanksgiving weekend.
Quick tip:
What is your goal for the day?
Remember to have a focus.
The people you are with are yours to cherish if you choose.
Love is a guidepost.
Want some additional help with those complicated conversations? Click the Let’s Talk button below.
Wishing you easy conversations and intentional self-care.
With Love,