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inspired choice?

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  • Ready to make an
    inspired choice?

    Get my FREE guided meditation
    and start your journey.

  • It’s Spring! Use this Season as Your Guide for Inspired Next Steps

    Nature is our teacher. All we have to do to see how to proceed in life is watch what’s happening outside our windows.

    Let’s send up new shoots. Get rid of the old dried up leaves and twigs. Open a fresh eye on the world. Let the still small voice that knows there is something emerging get a bit louder.

    All of us feel a bit dug under sometimes. I know sometimes I feel like there is so much to do I don’t know where to start and so I feel inundated. That’s when I take a fresh look at what is happening in my life, what is happening around me, where I am putting my focus and what I want to do next and why I want to do it.

    We are multifaceted beings, so underlying the tasks we are doing are the thoughts and feelings we have about those tasks.

    • What do the tasks mean to us? 
    • What importance do they hold in our lives? 
    • What are the benefits or the drawbacks? 
    • Are they essential or can they be removed from the list? 

    Sometimes it is good to sort all that out.  Sometimes sorting it out isn’t necessary. That is for you to decide.

    What does matter is taking a moment to breathe.

    Take stock of all that is happening; what you are feeling emotionally and physically; what you are thinking… and see if there is a need for or room for a different point of view or a different course of action.

    Often a change in focus opens up a completely different feeling about what comes next. We may have a new idea that allows the energy (e.g. your thoughts and emotions) to take a different route that helps you see possibility in a new way. Sometimes it means you have a new view on what already exists and sometimes it means you will make a change.  It may be as simple as cleaning out your sock drawer to help you  be and feel more organized.

    The idea is to stop and actually be mindful of what is going on inside and out. It gives you a fresh start.

    I find that any one thing I do that organizes my space or my thoughts helps me move to the next task with a different openness in my breath, openness in my thoughts, and a clarity about the next action.

    It is sometimes a surprise, but when we start re-organizing that which is around us, we begin to start a process within ourselves that opens doors to freshness; we see, hear and smell in the spring.

    Let’s take advantage of this powerful seasonal energy to take a deep breath and proceed with fresh hope and a new view.

    Spring is the ideal time to take the next step to accelerate YOUR next step.

    Choose the inspired life you want to live.

    Getting to the YOU without the GOO!


    Getting to the YOU_4_final
    I am so pleased to share my new website with you – and it wasn’t easy to get here!  In fact, creating a new website was a very different experience from what I imagined. I thought it would just be taking what was there and tweaking a few things, but it turned into a complete re-think of what I wanted to offer to you.

    I kept coming back to the fact that Getting to the YOU without the GOO! is more than just a catchy, fun phrase to make a point. It is what we are all going for whether we’re in a small stuck place or a big one, and whether our Goo is related to work or relationships or anything else.

    So, with this new website, I’m finding more ways to include you in the how of Getting to the YOU without the GOO! I know that we all get stuck sometimes and the stuff that gets us stuck is often quite hard to unglue. I believe that ungluing is the name of the game.

    Most often, it doesn’t take very long to get to the heart of the matter and to free the YOU! – and there are so many ways to get to that true expression of who you are. That is the part I love – helping you find the route to expressing your true nature in the way YOU want to express it.

    So take a minute and explore the website and find out more – and if you especially want to hear more about GOO and getting out of it, click here.

    Also, help me support you better by sharing the challenge you most want to tackle right now and how you like to receive support by filling out my super short survey. Your input is invaluable to me and you’ll be helping me create programs that are perfect for you!

    Let me know what you think and let’s be in touch,


    The Goddess is YOU!


    The Goddess is YOU!

    When I created A Group for Women About Life, I had no idea what fun it would be and how impactful it would be for me as a leader and for all the women who have explored the Goddess archetypes through the story, art meditation, and self-expression.

    But the most powerful is the sense of community that evolves. Women of all ages and walks of life have shared their experiences of being a woman;  moving through the multidimensional roles and expectations, true feelings of heart, and health.  Maiden, mother, or crone we offer a richness of knowing as we walk the path on the earth today.  If we do not know, we learn about women who went before, and we create the archetypes of the women who will follow. Oh! and please don’t be put off by the word crone and don’t worry if you aren’t a mother because we are all mothers on this planet and we all feel older and wiser at times. There are grace and beauty at every stage of life.

    It is very exciting to take this 10-week program and allow its evolution into a wonderful retreat in which women may live the goddess each day in a different form. See a fabulous part of the world while experiencing the practical and the spiritual feminine while inhabiting a personal journey within a community of multifaceted women and beautiful and exciting surroundings.

    Stay tuned for more from France in August…


    Let’s Breathe!

    yoga-womanBreathing has become a metaphor for moving forward in life; for releasing old patterns; for redirecting our attention; for becoming mindful; for increasing our health; for taking a moment before responding. This very important primal function is now a code word for increased well-being. The simple act of taking a breath keeps us alive- it is the spring from which we metaphorically drink. We have learned that the kind of breath we take can make a difference in the level of stress we hold; how energized we feel; how aptly we are able to be in the present moment and how we navigate various life situations.

    We often want to participate in activities that increase our physical and mental health. We often find ourselves in the catch 22 of resistance vs. what we know would enhance our lives. Who knew it could be so simple to enhance something we already do and reap the benefit of cleansing our system while allowing gifts from within to arise.

    Transformational Breathwork is one form of assisted and independent breathing that teaches us how to clear our systems of unwanted stress and toxins. While we are doing this breathing trapped emotion is allowed release, simply through the breath. Sometimes insights arise; feelings of well-being; clarity about what needs attention next; or simply a richness of energy that one hasn’t felt before, or in a very long time.

    Often there is a desire to do something with what has arisen. I know I have felt a variety of ways during and after a transformational breath session. Sometimes the breath has done all the work. Sometimes I have had a desire to explore the thoughts or feelings that have emerged to integrate this next layer of consciousness in a more concrete way into my everyday life.  Doing so has expanded my experience of the breath.

    The workshop I am offering with Lauren Chelec Cafritz on January 28 called “Breath and Insight” is the beautiful blend of these two forms- Transformational Breathwork and Inspired Choices Coaching. Bringing conscious and inspired choice to the way we live our lives allows us to choose our internal environment.  Breath and choice eventually bring us to joy and freedom.